Included addenda

Abhyankar 1986

K.V. Abhyankar and J.M. Shukla, A Dictionary of Sanskrit Grammar. Oriental Institute, Baroda 1986.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Agrawala 1957

V.S. Agrawala, Kīrti, Kīrtimukha and Kīrtistambha. Vāk 5 (1957): 147-151.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Agrawala 1959

V.S. Agrawala, Notes on Sanskrit Words. JAOS 79.1 (1959): 30.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Agrawala 1960

Vasudeva S. Agrawala, Important words from the Purāṇas. Purāṇa 2 (1960): 307-312
Genre: Purāṇas — Topic: unspecified

Bapat 1951

P.V. Bapat, Pallatthikā. Vāk 1 (1951): 45-51.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Bareau 1953 (1)

André Bareau, Abhidharmakośakārikā of Vasubandhu (Index). Vāk 3 (1953): 45-83.
Genre: Buddh Skt — Topic: philosophy (subdivided as buddh., jin., Ny., V., S., M.)

Bareau 1953 (2)

André Bareau, Index of Viṃśatikā and Triṃśikā of Vasubandhu. Vāk 3 (1953): 102-128.
Genre: Buddh Skt — Topic: philosophy (subdivided as buddh., jin., Ny., V., S., M.)

Bhatta 1985

C.P. Bhatta, Dice-Play in Sanskrit Literature (A Study). Delhi 1985.
Genre: General — Topic: material culture, clothes, jewelry


F. Edgerton, Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dictionary. New Haven 1953.
Genre: Buddh Skt — Topic: unspecified

Böhtlingk 1840

O. Böhtlingk, Pānini’s acht Bücher grammatischer Regeln. Bonn 1840. Band II: 403-556.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Böhtlingk 1887

O. Böhtlingk, Pāṇini’s Grammatik. Herausgegeben, übersetzt, erläutert und mit verschiedenen Indices versehen von Otto Böhtlingk. Leipzig 1887.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Brick 2012

D. Brick, The Origin of the Khaṭvāṅga Staff. JAOS 132.1 (2012): 31-39.
Genre: General — Topic: material culture, clothes, jewelry

Brown 1932

W.N. Brown, Some Lexical Notes in Sanskrit, Jāina Māhārāṣṭrī Prakrit, and Apabhraṃśā. Language. Journal of the Linguistic Society of America VIII (1932): 11-17.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Caland 1903

W. Caland, Über das rituelle Sūtra des Baudhāyana. Leipzig 1903. [Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. XII (1903)]. Nachdr. Nendeln 1966.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: ritual

Cappeller 1915

C. Cappeller, Bālamāgha. Māgha’s Śiśupālavadha im Auszuge. Leipzig 1915.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified

Chaudhuri 1977

P.K. Chaudhuri, Political concepts in ancient India. A glossary of political terms. New Delhi 1977.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: politics/state/society

Coomaraswamy 1928

A.K. Coomaraswamy, Indian Architectural Terms. JAOS 48 (1928): 250-275.
Genre: General — Topic: art/architecture

Das 1959f

A.C. Das, Sanskrit Lexicography (Excluding modern works). The Orissa Historical Research Journal, Vol. VIII, Nos. 3 & 4 (1959-1960): 180-186.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Deleu 1959

J. Deleu, Lexicographical Addenda from Rājaśekharasūri’s Prabandhakośa. Indian Linguistics. Journal of the Linguistic Society of India 20 (1959): 180-209.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified

Edgerton 1931

F. Edgerton, The Elephant-lore of the Hindus. The Elephant-sport (Matangalila) of Nilakantha. Delhi [u.a.] 1931, repr. 1985.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: flora/fauna

Elizarenkova 1996f

T.Y. Elizarenkova, The Concept of Water and the Names for It in the Ṛgveda. Orientalia Suecana. An International Journal of Indological, Iranian, Semitic and Turkic Studies XLV-XLVI (1996-1997): 21-29.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Ensink 1964

M. Ensink and J.A.B. van Buitenen, Glossary of Sanskrit from Indonesia. Vāk 6 (1964): 1-219.
Genre: Regional — Topic: unspecified

Geldner 1907

Karl F. Geldner, Der Rigveda in Auswahl. Erster Teil. Glossar. Stuttgart 1907.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Geldner 1907 (N)

Karl F. Geldner, Der Rigveda in Auswahl. Zweiter Teil. Kommentar. Stuttgart 1909.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Gerow 1971

E. Gerow, A glossary of Indian figures of speech. Paris 1971.
Genre: General — Topic: poetry

Glasenapp 1915

H. von Glasenapp, Die Lehre vom Karman in der Philosophie der Jainas nach den Karmagranthas dargestellt. Leipzig 1915: 106-115.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: philosophy (subdivided as buddh., jin., Ny., V., S., M.)

Gode 1951

P.K. Gode, Some Words for the Nut-Cracker. Vāk 1 (1951): 38-41.
Genre: General — Topic: flora/fauna — Dating: ca. 1700-1750

Goswami 2005

Bijoya Goswami, Debarchana Sarkar, A Dictionary of technical terms in Kauṭilya’s Arthaśāstra. Kolkata 2005.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: politics/state/society

Graßmann 1873 (1996)

Hermann Graßmann, Wörterbuch zum Rig-Veda. 6,, überarbeitete und ergänzte Auflage von Maria Kozianka. Wiesbaden 1996.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Gray 1950

L.H. Gray, The Narrative of Bhoja (Bhojaprabandha) by Ballāla of Benares. [American Oriental Series. 34]. New Haven 1950.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified — Dating: E. 16/Anf. 17. Jh. — Region: Benares

Gray 1962

L.H. Gray, Vāsavadattā. A Sanskrit romance by Subandhu. Translated, with an introduction and notes. Delhi 1962.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 2. H. 6. Jh.

Halbfass 1992

W. Halbfass, On Being and What There Is. Classical Vaiśeṣika and the History of Indian Ontology. Delhi 1993.
Genre: General — Topic: philosophy (subdivided as buddh., jin., Ny., V., S., M.)

Hellwig 2009

O. Hellwig, Wörterbuch der mittelalterlichen indischen Alchemie. (eJIM supplements. 2). Eelde 2009.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: alchemy

Hertel 1908

J. Hertel, Beiträge zum Sanskritwörterbuch aus Hemacandra’s Pariśiṣṭaparvan. ZDMG 62 (1908): 361-269.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 2. H. 12. Jh. — Region: Gujarat

Hertel 1910

J. Hertel, Tantrākhyāyika. Die älteste Fassung des Pañcatantra. Nach den Handschriften beider Rezensionen zum ersten Male herausgegeben. Berlin 1910.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified — Region: Kaschmir

Hertel 1921

Bharaṭakadvātriṃśikā. The Thirty-two Bharaṭaka Stories. Ed. [...] by Johannes Hertel. Leipzig 1921.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified

Hillebrandt 1885

Alfred Hillebrandt, Vedachrestomathie. Für den ersten Gebrauch bei Vedavorlesungen herausgegeben und mit einem Glossar versehen von Alfred Hillebrandt. Berlin 1885: 67-130.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Hoernle 1908

A.F.R. Hoernle, The Bower Manuscript. Facsimile leaves, Nagari transcript, romanised transliteration and english translation with notes. Vol. 3: General Sanskrit Index. Calcutta 1908: 241-343.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: medicine/psychology

Hopkins 1883

E.W. Hopkins, Words for Color in the Rig Veda. The American Journal of Philology 4.2 (1883): 166-191.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Hopkins 1925

E.W. Hopkins, Words of Defamation in Sanskrit legal Language. Journal of the American Oriental Society 45 (1925): 39-50.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Jain 1951

Banarasi Das Jain, Words and meanings not found in Monier-Williams (Extracted from the first fifty verses of Vinayacandrasūri’s Mallināthacaritam). Vāk 1 (1951): 65-68.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Kane 1946 (1993)

P.V. Kane, History of Dharmaśāstra, Ancient and Mediaeval Religious and Civil Law. Appendix – Note 191: High functionaries and officers. Vol. III (3rd Ed.) [Government Oriental Series Class B. 6]. Poona 1993: 975-1007.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: politics/state/society

Kangle 1969

R.P. Kangle, The Kauṭilīya Arthaśāstra. Part I: Sanskrit Text with a Glossary. 2nd ed. 1969, repr. Delhi 2006.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: politics/state/society

Kanta 1953

Sūrya Kānta, A Grammatical Dictionary of Sanskrit (Vedic). Delhi 1953.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Karashima 2012

S. Karashima, Die Abhisamācārikā Dharmāḥ. Verhaltensregeln für buddhistische Mönche der Mahāsāṃghika-Lokottaravādins herausgegeben, mit der chinesischen Parallelversion verglichen, übersetzt und kommentiert von Seishi Karashima unter Mitwirkung von Oskar von Hinüber. Band III: Grammatik, Glossar und Nachträge. [Bibliotheca Philologica et Philosophica Buddhica XIII,3]. Tokyo 2012.
Genre: Buddh Skt — Topic: unspecified

Karve 1943f

I. Karve, Kinship terms and the family organisation as found in the critical edition of the Mahābhārata. BDCRI 5 (1943-1944): 61-148.
Genre: Epics — Topic: politics/state/society

Katre 1968f (1)

S.M. Katre, Dictionary of Pāṇini. Part I. [Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series: 53]. Poona 1968.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Katre 1968f (2)

S.M. Katre, Dictionary of Pāṇini. Part II. [Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series: 62]. Poona 1968.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Katre 1968f (3)

S.M. Katre, Dictionary of Pāṇini. Part III. [Building Centenary and Silver Jubilee Series: 63]. Poona 1969.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Keller 2006

A. Keller, Expounding the Mathematical Seeds. Vol. 2: The Supplements. A Translation of Bhāskara I on the Mathematical Chapter of the Āryabhatīya. Basel 2006: 197-226.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: mathematics

Kuiper 1952

F.B.J. Kuiper, The Three Sanskrit Roots AÑC/AÑJ. Vāk 2 (1952): 36-99.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Kulkarni 1951

E.D. Kulkarni, The Kośa Citations in Commentarial Literature belonging to the Classical Period. Vāk 1 (1951): 69-79.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Kulkarni 1952

E.D. Kulkarni, Kośa Citations in the Commentarial Literature belonging to the Classical Period 2. Vāk 2 (1952): 130- 150.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Kulkarni 1957

E.D. Kulkarni, Definitions and technical terms in Śyainikaśāstra of Rudradeva. Vāk 5 (1957): 136-141.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: flora/fauna

Kulkarni 1958

E.D. Kulkarni, Technical Terms in Elephant Lore. Indian Linguistics. Journal of the Linguistic Society of India 19 (1958): 75-84.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: flora/fauna

Kulkarni 2005

R.P. Kulkarni, Prāsāda Maṇḍana of Sūtradhāra Maṇḍana. Sanskrit text and English translation with notes and glossary. New Delhi 2005.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: art/architecture — Dating: 15. Jh. — Region: Rajasthan

Kümmel 1940

Maheśvara’s Śabdabhedaprakāśa mit dem Kommentar des Jñānavimalagaṇi. Hrsg. von Auguste Kümmel. Leipzig 1940.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 1111; 1598 — Region: ?; Bikaneer

Kusuba 2002

Arabic Astronomy in Sanskrit. Al-Birjandī on Tadhkira II, Chapter 11 and its Sanskrit Translation. Edited, commented and translated by T. Kusuba D. Pingree. Leiden [u.a.] 2002. (Islamic philosophy, theology and science. Texts and Studies. XLVII): 260-285.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: astronomy/dates/calculation of times

Li 2022

Ch. Li, „akālaka“: a lexical phantom in Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit. The World of the Orient 4 (2022): 203-210. (
Genre: Buddh Skt — Topic: unspecified

Loman 1956

The Padmaprābhṛtakam. An Ancient Bhāṇa assigned to śūdraka. Akademisch Proefschrift ... door Johannes Reinoud Abraham Loman. Amsterdam 1956.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified — Region: Ujjayinī?

Lubotsky 2010

A. Lubotsky, New Words and Word Forms in the Atharva-Veda Paippalāda (Kāṇḍa 5). In: Shulman, D. (ed.), Language, Ritual and Poetics in Ancient India and Iran. Studies in Honor of Shaul Migron. Jerusalem 2010: 39-65.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Meister 1988 (2.1)

M.W. Meister, [u.a.] (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Indian Temple Architecture. North India. Foundations of North Indian Style c. 250 B.C. – A.D. 1100. (=Vol. II. Part 1: Text). New Delhi 1988.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: art/architecture

Mejor 1992

M. Mejor, Some Problems of the Sanskrit Lexicography (Review Article). Studien zur Indologie und Iranistik 16/17 (1992-93): 149-160.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Meyer 1926

J.J. Meyer, Das altindische Buch vom Welt- und Staatsleben. Das Arthaçāstra des Kauṭilya. Leipzig 1926: 940-979.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: politics/state/society

Mitra 1982

R. Mitra, The Nītisāra or the Elements of Polity by Kāmandaki. Ed. by R. Mitra. rev. with English translation by S.K. Mitra. [Bibliotheca Indica. 179]. Calcutta 1982.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: politics/state/society

Murthy 1996

R.S. Shivaganesha Murthy, Introduction To Manuscriptology. Delhi 1996.
Genre: General — Topic: epigraphy/codicology


Sir M. Monier-Williams, A Sanskrit-English dictionary. Etymologically and philologically arranged with special reference to cognate Indo-European languages. New edition, greatly enlarged and improved with the collaboration of E. Leumann and C. Cappeller and other scholars. Oxford 1899. repr. lithographically Oxford 1956, 1960, 1964.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Nair 1998

K. Maheswaran Nair, Manuscriptology. Thiruvanathapuram 1998.
Genre: General — Topic: epigraphy/codicology

Niederreiter 2004

S. Niederreiter, Vier Problemwörter im Ṛg-Veda. In: ANALECTA HOMINI UNIVERSALI DICATA. Festschrift fürOswald Panagl zum 65. Geburtstag. Band I. Stuttgart 2004: 159-163.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified


Walter Neisser, Zum Wörterbuch des Ṛgveda. Erstes Heft: a - auśāna. [Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. 16]. Leipzig 1924.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified


Walter Neisser, Zum Wörterbuch des Ṛgveda. Zweites Heft: A. Nachträge zum ersten Heft. [Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. 18]. Leipzig 1930.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified


Walter Neisser, Zum Wörterbuch des Ṛgveda. Zweites Heft: B. Die mit Guttural anlautenden Wörter. [Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes. 18]. Leipzig 1930.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Olivelle 2012

P. Olivelle, Material Culture and Philology: Semantics of Mining in Ancient India. JAOS 132.1 (2012): 23-30.
Genre: General — Topic: alchemy

Olivelle 2013

P. Olivelle, King, Governance, and Law in Ancient India. Kauṭilya’s Arthaśāstra. A New Annotated Translation by P. Olivelle. Oxford 2013.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: unspecified

Olivelle 2015

P. Olivelle, A Sanskrit Dictionary of Law and Statescraft. Delhi 2015.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: politics/state/society

Otter 2010

F. Otter, Residential Architecture in Bhoja’s Samarāṅgaṇasūtradhāra. Introduction, Text, Translation and notes. Delhi 2010.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: art/architecture — Dating: 11. Jh.? — Region: Dhārā?

Pataskar 1996

Bh. Pataskar, The Kinship Terms in Sanskrit: A Socio-linguistic Study. In: Śrījñānamṛtam. A Memorial Volume in Honour of Prof. Shri Niwas Shastri. Ed. by V. Rani and V.K. Goyal. Delhi 1996.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: politics/state/society

Patkar 1953

M.M. Patkar, A Note on the Word ‘Nagnikā’ and its Bearing on the Marriageable Age of Girls in Ancient India. Vāk 3 (1953): 37-44.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Patkar 1957

M.M. Patkar, Studies in Sanskrit Lexicography (II), Harṣakīrti’s Contribution to Sanskrit Lexicography. The Poona Orientalist 22.3 (1957): 39-51.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Pisani 1952

Vittore Pisani, Kośapariśiṣṭāni. Vāk 2 (1952): 1-25.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified


O. Böhtlingk, Sanskrit-Wörterbuch in kürzerer Fassung. Petersburg 1879-1889.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Raghavan 1960

V. Raghavan, On some words and their meanings. Indian Linguistics 21 (1960): 122-127.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Ranade 1973

H.G. Ranade, The Status of Artificial Terminology of Grammar and Tantras in the Sanskrit Historical Dictionary. BDCRI XXXIII/ 1-4 (1973): 259-264.
Genre: Tantra — Topic: unspecified

Rao 2000

S. Balachandra Rao, Ancient Indian Astronomy. Planetary Positions and Eclipses. Delhi 2000.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: astronomy/dates/calculation of times

Renou 1934

Louis Renou, Index védique. Journal of Vedic Studies 1 (1934): 169-208, 257-320.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Renou 1935

Louis Renou, Index védique. Journal of Vedic Studies 2 (1935): 1-59.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Renou 1951 (1)

Louis Renou, Sur quelques formations sanskrites en -ti-. Vāk 1 (1951): 1-4.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Renou 1951 (2)

Louis Renou, Index of remarkable words and forms in the Durghaṭavṛtti of Śaraṇadeva. Vāk 1 (1951): 19-37.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Renou 1952 (1)

Louis Renou, List of words and forms in the Sāmaveda. Vāk 2 (1952): 100-116.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Renou 1952 (2)

Louis Renou, List of remarkable words (or meanings) from Paribhāṣenduśekhara of Nāgojībhaṭṭa, Paribhāṣāvṛtti of Puruṣottamadeva and Sīradeva. Vāk 2 (1952): 117-129.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Renou 1953 (1)

Louis Renou, Words from the Bhāṣāvṛtti of Puruṣottamadeva. Vāk 3 (1953): 1-36.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Renou 1953 (2)

Louis Renou, Remarkable words in the Cāndra-Vyākaraṇa. Vāk 3 (1953): 84-101.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Renou 1954 (1)

Louis Renou, Remarkable words (and meanings) from the Bṛhatkathāślokasaṃgraha of Budhasvāmin. Vāk 4 (1954): 89-113.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified

Renou 1954 (2)

Louis Renou, Remarkable words from the Kāvyamīmāṃsā. Vāk 4 (1954): 114-130.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified

Renou 1954 (3)

Louis Renou, Words and word-forms particular to the Kāṇvasaṃhitā. Vāk 4 (1954): 131-136.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Renou 1957 (1)

Louis Renou, List of remarkable words from the Kashmirian (Paippalāda) version of the Atharva Veda. Vāk 5 (1957): 1-108.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Renou 1957 (2)

Louis Renou, Vedic Studies: On Some Nominal Derivatives in the Ṛgveda. Vāk 5 (1957): 109-117.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Renou 1957 (3)

Louis Renou, Remarkable Words from Bāṣkala (B), Chāgaleya (Ch), Ārṣeya (Ā), and Śaunaka (Ś) Upaniṣads. Vāk 5 (1957): 125-131.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Renou 1997

Louis Renou, Choix d’études indiennes. Reúnies par N. Balbir et G.J. Pinault. Index par Christine Chojnacki. Tome II: 939-1037. Paris 1997.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Rivelex (1)

Thomas Krisch, Rivelex: Rigveda-Lexikon. Band 1 (Wörter beginnend mit „a“). Graz 2006.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Rivelex (2)

Thomas Krisch, Rivelex: Rigveda-Lexikon. Band 2 (Wörter beginnend mit anderen Vokalen als „a“). Graz 2012.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Rocher 1956

L. Rocher, Vyavahāracintāmaṇi by Vācaspati Miśra. A Digest on Hindu Legal Procedure. [Gentse Orientalistische Bijdragen. 1]. Gent 1956.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: politics/state/society

Roodbergen 2009

J.A.F. Roodbergen, Suppliment to Dictionary of Pāṇinian Grammatical Terminology. ABORI 90 (2009): 127-152.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Samozvantsev 1983

A.M. Samozvantsev, The Dharmaśāstra: Ritual and Juridical Terminology (Concerning one Trend in its Functional Evolution). Archív Orientální 51 (1983): 116-128.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: politics/state/society

Sandesara 1966

B. J. Sandesara and J. P. Thaker, Some Important Vocables from Sanskrit Commentaries on Jaina Canonical Texts. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 15.3-4 (1966): 406-456
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified — Region: Western India

Sarma 1966

S.R. Sarma, The Pūrvagaṇita of Āryabhaṭa’s (II) Mahāsiddhānta. Edited and translated. Part I. Introduction and Text. Marburg 1966.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: astronomy/dates/calculation of times — Dating: 10. Jhd.

Sastri 1951

V.A. Ramaswami Sastri, The Mīmāṃsaka Conception of Bhāvanā. Vāk 1 (1951): 80-87.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: philosophy (subdivided as buddh., jin., Ny., V., S., M.)

Sastri 1953-68

A. Pohlus, Two Commentaries on the Arthaśāstra: Jayamaṅgalā & Cāṇakyaṭīkā. Critically re-edited from Harihara Sastri’s Fascicle Editions by Andreas Pohlus. Halle 2011.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: politics/state/society

Scharpé 1937

Adriaan Alberik Maria Scharpé, Bāṇa’s Kādambarī. vertaling, van het Sanskrit in het Nederlands, van het Uttarabhāga en van gedeelten van het Pūrvabhāga, met inleiding, aantekeningen en lexicographisch Appendix. Leuven 1937.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 7. Jh. — Region: Kanauj/ Nordindien

Scheftelowitz 1906

Die Apokryphen des Ṛgveda (Khilāni). Hrsg. und bearbeitet von J. Scheftelowitz. [Indische Forschungen. 1]. Breslau 1906.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Schlingloff 1964

Dieter Schlingloff, Ein buddhistisches Yogalehrbuch. Textband. [Sanskrittexte aus den Turfanfunden. VII]. Berlin 1964.
Genre: Buddh Skt — Topic: unspecified

Schlingloff 2013

D. Schlingloff, Fortified Cities of Ancient India - A Comparative Study. London 2013.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: art/architecture

Schokker 1966

G.H. (Ed.) Schokker, The Pādatāḍitaka of Śyāmilaka. Part I. [Indo-Iranian monographs. IX]. The Hague 1966.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified — Region: Kaschmir

Sen 1951

Nilmadhab Sen, The Vocabulary of the Rāmāyaṇa (I). Vāk 1 (1951): 53-60.
Genre: Epics — Topic: unspecified

Sen 1952

Nilmadhav Sen, The Vocabulary of the Rāmāyaṇa (II). Vāk 2 (1952): 26-30.
Genre: Epics — Topic: unspecified

Sharma 1960

Aryendra Sharma, Beiträge zur vedischen Lexikographie: neue Wörter in M. Bloomfields Vedic Concordance. [PHMA. Mitteilungen zur idg., vornehmlich indo-iranischen Wortkunde sowie zur holothetischen Sprachtheorie. Heft 5/6]. München 1959/1960.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Shastri 1975f

Satya Vrat Shastri, Sanskrit Synonyms. Indologica Taurinensia 3-4 (1975-76): 439-448.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

SIjNS (1)

Klaus Mylius, Sanskritischer Index der jungvedischen Namen und Sachen, Teil I. Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 17 (1976): 73-104.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

SIjNS (2)

Klaus Mylius, Sanskritischer Index der jungvedischen Namen und Sachen, Teil I. Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 17 (1976): 345-376.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

SIjNS (3)

Klaus Mylius, Sanskritischer Index der jungvedischen Namen und Sachen, Teil I. Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 17 (1976): 501-532.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

SIjNS (4)

Klaus Mylius, Sanskritischer Index der jungvedischen Namen und Sachen, Teil I. Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 17 (1976): 667-698.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

SIjNS (5)

Klaus Mylius, Sanskritischer Index der jungvedischen Namen und Sachen, Teil II. Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 18 (1977): 91-122.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

SIjNS (6)

Klaus Mylius, Sanskritischer Index der jungvedischen Namen und Sachen, Teil II. Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 18 (1977): 291-324.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

SIjNS (7)

Klaus Mylius, Sanskritischer Index der jungvedischen Namen und Sachen, Teil II. Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 18 (1977): 461-492.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

SIjNS (8)

Klaus Mylius, Sanskritischer Index der jungvedischen Namen und Sachen, Teil II. Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 18 (1977): 689-720.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

SIjNS (9)

Klaus Mylius, Sanskritischer Index der jungvedischen Namen und Sachen, Teil II. Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 19 (1978): 77-108.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

SIjNS (10)

Klaus Mylius, Sanskritischer Index der jungvedischen Namen und Sachen, Teil II. Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 19 (1978): 273-298.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Sircar 1966

D.C. Sircar, Indian Epigraphical Glossary. Delhi [u.a.] 1966.
Genre: epigr. Skt — Topic: unspecified


B.J. Sandesara + J.P.Thaker, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“ Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 8 (1958): 1-40.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 1305 A.D. — Region: Gujarat


B. J. Sandesara, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 9.3 (1960): 41-64.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 1349 A.D. — Region: Delhi


B. J. Sandesara, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 9.4 (1960): 65-96.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 1349 A.D. — Region: Delhi


B. J. Sandesara, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 10.1 (1960): 97-104.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified


B. J. Sandesara, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 10.2 (1960): 105-120.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified


B. J. Sandesara, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 10.3 (1961): 121-136.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified


B. J. Sandesara, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 10.4 (1961): 137-152
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified


B. J. Sandesara, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 11.1 (1961): 153-168
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified


B. J. Sandesara, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 11.2 (1961): 169-184
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified

SJS 10

B. J. Sandesara, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 11.3 (1962): 185-208
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified

SJS 11

B. J. Sandesara, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 11.4 (1962): 209-232
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified

SJS 12

B. J. Sandesara, Lexicographical Studies in „Jaina Sanskrit“. Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 12.1 (1962): 233-241.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified

Slaje 2014

W. Slaje, Kingship in Kaśmīr (AD 1148-1459). From the Pen of Jonarāja, Court Paṇḍit to Sulṭān Zayn al-Ābidīn. Critically Edited by Walter Slaje with an Annotated Translation, Indexes and Maps. Halle 2014.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: politics/state/society — Dating: 15. Jhd. — Region: Kaschmir

Slaje 2015

W. Slaje, Bacchanal im Himmel und andere Proben aus Maṅkha.[Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz. Veröffentlichungen der Indologischen Kommission. 3] Wiesbaden 2015.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 12. Jhd. — Region: Kaschmir

Speyer 1908

J.S. Speyer, Studies about the Kathāsaritsāgara. [Verhandelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Afdeeling Letterkunde. Nieuwe Reeks. Deel VIII. No. 5]. Amsterdam 1908.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 2. H. 11. Jh. — Region: Kaschmir

Straube 2019

Martin Straube, Haribhaṭṭa’s Jātakamālā. Critically edited from the manuscripts with the help of earlier work by Michael Hahn. [Pune Indological Series. II]. Pune 2019.
Genre: Buddh Skt — Topic: unspecified — Dating: ca. 5. Jh. — Region: Kaschmir?

Straube 2022a

M. Straube, An unrecognised Buddhist expression in Kalhaṇa’s Rājataraṅgiṇī. ARIRIAB XXV (March 2022): 91-92
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: politics/state/society — Dating: M. 12. Jh. — Region: Kaschmir

Straube 2022b

M. Straube, On the meaning of the word mahāsattva. ARIRIAB XXV (March 2022): 85-90
Genre: Buddh Skt — Topic: unspecified

Strauch 2002

I. Strauch, Die Leckhapaddhati-Lekhapañcāśikā. Briefe und Urkunden im mittelalterlichen Gujarat. Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Berlin 2002.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: politics/state/society — Dating: 13.-15. Jhd. — Region: Gujarat


Hélène Brunner, Gerhard Oberhammer, André Padoux (Éds.), Tāntrikābhidhānakośa. Dictionnaire des termes techniques de la littérature hindoue tantrique. A Dictionary of Technical Terms from Hindu Tantric Literature. Wörterbuch zur Terminologie hinduistischer Tantren. [Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte, 681. Band = Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens. 35]. Tome I Wien 2000.
Genre: Tantra — Topic: unspecified


Hélène Brunner, Gerhard Oberhammer, André Padoux (Éds.), Tāntrikābhidhānakośa. Dictionnaire des termes techniques de la littérature hindoue tantrique. A Dictionary of Technical Terms from Hindu Tantric Literature. Wörterbuch zur Terminologie hinduistischer Tantren. [Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte, 714. Band = Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens. 44]. Tome II Wien 2004.
Genre: Tantra — Topic: unspecified


Dominic Goodall, Marion Rastelli (Éds.), Tāntrikābhidhānakośa. Dictionnaire des termes techniques de la littérature hindoue tantrique. A Dictionary of Technical Terms from Hindu Tantric Literature. Wörterbuch zur Terminologie hinduistischer Tantren. [Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Sitzungsberichte, 839. Band = Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens. 76]. Tome III Wien 2013.
Genre: Tantra — Topic: unspecified

Taraporewala 1951

Irach J.S. Taraporewala, Some strange words found among the ‘Sanskrit Writings of the Parsis.’ Vāk 1 (1951): 42-44.
Genre: Regional — Topic: unspecified — Region: Persien


Gerhard Oberhammer, Terminologie der frühen philosophischen Scholastik in Indien. Ein Begriffswörterbuch zur altindischen Dialektik, Erkenntnislehre und Methodologie. Gerhard Oberhammer unter Mitarbeit von Ernst Prets und Joachim Prandstetter. [Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Denkschriften, 223. Band = Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens. 9]. Bd. 1: A – I. Wien 1991.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: philosophy (subdivided as buddh., jin., Ny., V., S., M.)


G. Oberhammer, E. Prets, J. Prandstetter, Terminologie der frühen philosophischen Scholastik in Indien. Ein Begriffswörterbuch zur altindischen Dialektik, Erkenntnislehre und Methodologie. Hrsg. von Gerhard Oberhammer. [Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Denkschriften, 248. Band = Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens.. 17]. Bd. 2: U – Pū. Wien 1996.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: philosophy (subdivided as buddh., jin., Ny., V., S., M.)


G. Oberhammer, E. Prets, J. Prandstetter, Terminologie der frühen philosophischen Scholastik in Indien. Ein Begriffswörterbuch zur altindischen Dialektik, Erkenntnislehre und Methodologie. Hrsg. von Gerhard Oberhammer. [Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Denkschriften, 343. Band = Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens. 49]. Bd. 3: Pra – H. Wien 2006.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: philosophy (subdivided as buddh., jin., Ny., V., S., M.)


Helen M. Johnson, Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra. Vol I: Ādīśvaracaritra. Baroda 1931.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 2. H. 12. Jh. — Region: Gujarat


Helen M. Johnson, Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra or the lives of sixty-three illustrious persons. Baroda 1937. Vol. II.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 2. H. 12. Jh. — Region: Gujarat


Helen M. Johnson, Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra by Ācārya Śrī Hemacandra. Baroda 1949. Vol. III.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 2. H. 12. Jh. — Region: Gujarat


Helen M. Johnson, Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra or the lives of sixty-three illustrious persons by Ācārya Śrī Hemacandra. Baroda 1954. Vol. IV.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 2. H. 12. Jh. — Region: Gujarat


Helen M. Johnson, Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra or the lives of sixty-three illustrious persons by Ācārya Śrī Hemacandra. Baroda 1962. Vol. V.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 2. H. 12. Jh. — Region: Gujarat


Helen M. Johnson, Triṣaṣṭiśalākāpuruṣacaritra or the lives of sixty-three illustrious persons by Ācārya Śrī Hemacandra. Baroda 1962. Vol. VI.
Genre: Jaina Skt — Topic: unspecified — Dating: 2. H. 12. Jh. — Region: Gujarat

Varma 1944ff

S. Varma, Explanatory Names in Sanskrit Vocabulary. Indian Linguistics. Journal of the Linguistic Society of India. Repr. Ed. Of Volumes 1-15. Vol. III Comprising Volumes 9-15 (1944-1956). Poona 1965: 657-667.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Vedic Hymns I

Vedic Hymns, Part I: Hymns to the Maruts, Rudra, Vāyu, and Vāta. Transl. by F. Max Müller. [Sacred Books of the East. 32]. Oxford 1891. Repr. Delhi [u.a.] 1988: 455-529.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Vedic Hymns II

Vedic Hymns. Part II: Hymns to Agni (Mandalas I-V). Transl. by Hermann Oldenberg. [Sacred Books of the East. 46]. Oxford 1897. Repr. Delhi [u.a.] 1988: 427-486.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Vishva Bandhu 1972

Vishva Bandhu and S, Bhaskaran Nair, A Comparative and Critical Dictionary of Vedic Interpretation (A Specimen). Hoshiarpur 1972.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified

Vogel 1957

J. Ph. Vogel, Errors in Sanskrit Dictionaries. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies. XX (1957): 561-567.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified

Vogel 2010

C. Vogel, A Late Supplement to the First Chapter of Veṇīdatta’s Pañcatattvaprakāśa. In: Franco, E. and M. Zin (Ed.), From Turfan to Ajanta. Festschrift for Dieter Schlingloff on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday. Bhairahawa 2010. Vol. II: 999-1008.
Genre: General — Topic: unspecified — Dating: tpq: 1644

von Hinüber 2004

Oskar von Hinüber, Die Palola Ṣāhis. Ihre Steininschriften, Inschriften auf Bronzen, Handschriftenkolophone und Schutzzauber. Materialien zur Geschichte von Gilgit und Chilas. [Antiquities of Northern Pakistan. Reports and Studies. Vol. 5]. Mainz 2004: 205-211
Genre: epigr. Skt — Topic: unspecified

Walter 1893

Svātmārāma’s Haṭhayogapradīpikā (Die Leuchte des Haṭhayoga). Aus dem Sanscrit übersetzt und als Inaugural-Dissertation der Philosophischen Fakultät, Section I, der Universität München vorgelegt von Hermann Walter. München 1893. Nachdr. Hildesheim [u.a.] 1993.
Genre: General — Topic: philosophy (subdivided as buddh., jin., Ny., V., S., M.)


Klaus Mylius, Wörterbuch des altindischen Rituals. Mit einer Übersicht über das altindische Opferritual und einem Plan der Opferstätte. Wichtrach 1995.
Genre: General — Topic: ritual

WdaR (N)

Klaus Mylius, Nachtrag zum „Wörterbuch des altindischen Rituals.“ In: Klaus Mylius, Das altindische Opfer. Ausgewählte Aufsätze und Rezensionen. Wichtrach 2000: 574-588.
Genre: General — Topic: ritual

WdaR (R 1)

Thomas Oberlies, Rezension zu WdaR. WZKS 42 (1998): 199-202.
Genre: General — Topic: ritual

Weckerling 1937

A. Weckerling, Das Glück des Lebens. Ein medizinisches Drama von Ānandarāyamakhī. Übersetzung. [Arbeiten der dt-nordischen Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, der Zahnheilkunde und der Naturwissenschaften. 13]. Greifswald 1937.
Genre: Kāvya — Topic: medicine/psychology

Wezler 1960

Albrecht Wezler, Some Observations on the Grammatical Terminology of Pāṇini (Marginalia to Pāṇini’s Aṣṭādhyāyī II). German Scholars on India, Vol. II (1960): 361-379.
Genre: Śāstra — Topic: grammar/metrics/phonology

Windisch 1883

Ernst Windisch, Zwölf Hymnen des Rigveda mit Sāyaṇa’s Commentar. Text. Wörterbuch zu Sāyana. Appendices. Leipzig 1883: 98-166.
Genre: Vedic — Topic: unspecified